Wednesday 11 December 2019

To Increase the Organic Traffic On Your Website In #2020

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Are you generating content on different topics and hoping one of them goes viral? Or you’re posting lots of social media posts with trending hashtags to get more organic traffic?
  • Page Speed
  • Improve Readability
  • Optimize Site For Mobile
  • Generate Quality Content
  • Avoid Useless Code
  • Decrease Bounce Rate
  • Target Keywords With High CPC
  • Link Building

Page Speed:

  1. Google will lower your website’s rank if it finds the users are spending less time on your site. The lower your website ranks, the less it’ll get visibility. This ultimately affects your organic traffic as it’ll become hard for the user to find your site.
  2. Check and improve your page loading speed and server response time for both mobile and desktop to make sure no visitor leaves your site because of sluggish speed.
  3. Pagespeed Insights, Gtmetrix, and Pingdom are one of the best tools you can use to test your page load-time and site speed and improve it with these steps.

Use Header Tags/Headings To Improve Readability:

  1. Divide your content into headings, sub-headings, bulleted lists.
  2. Use short sentences to keep your content readable.
  3. Try to keep your readability score above 60 in your CMS.
  4. Don’t put more than 300 words under a heading. If it happens, divide it with sub-headings.

Optimize Site For Mobile:

  1. 52.2% of all website traffic in 2018 was generated by mobiles.
  2. More then half of the users are using mobiles to access the internet. Providing them a bad experience would cause you huge traffic loss. Make your site mobile-friendly since it’s a major ranking factor.

Generate Quality Content:

  1. If your content doesn’t match it, Google will rank you down. In other words, we can say if your content isn’t providing them what they are looking for, it’ll create a bad user experience.
  2. And Google has several algorithms to detect a bad user experience and once it does that, it’ll crawl your site down and make you vanish among the millions of URLs on the internet.
  3. This is one of the most effective tactics to get more organic traffic. Since the purpose of this trick is customer satisfaction, if you provide the content readers are looking for, they’ll be coming back on your site again and again.

Avoid Useless Code:

  1. Many brands focus on their page design, backend and all but they forget to remove the unnecessary code that hurts site speed, search ranking, and user experience.

Decrease Bounce Rate:

  1. The bounce rate depicts the percentage of visitors who left your page without reading or scrolling further. The lesser your bounce rate, the better it is for your website.
  2. Embed videos, use infographics, images and other visuals that compel users to scroll down to maintain a good bounce rate.
  3. You can use to check your site’s overall ranking and bounce rate

Target Keywords With High CPC:

  1. Cost-Per-Click(CPC) is the amount advertisers are investing for each click in PPC campaigns. High CPC means the investors are paying a high amount for that keyword and want to lure genuine users.
  2. Use long-tail keywords to increase the chances of ranking on more specific searches.
  3. This can reduce your bounce rate and increase the average time on site too which’ll rank you better and get you more traffic.

Link Building:

  1. It’s a practice of adding your own and other’s links in your content. Definitely, you should it, but before building links on your content, you should remember a few things.
  2. Apply links on the descriptive text to make the user understand which page he will be redirected on after clicking the link.

For More Info:

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